2016年4月4日至6日,2016年“国际癌症研究和治疗会议”在美国巴尔的摩举行,我司技术总监尹汉维博士受邀参会,并作“Plasma thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) is a novel clinical biomarker of the early-stage diagnosis and treatment of cancer”(《新型肿瘤早期诊断技术--硫氧还蛋白还原酶(TR)活性检测》)的主题报告。
本次会议是由madridge会议和约翰霍普金斯大学共同主办,目的在于探讨包括癌症预防方法、癌症早期筛查和诊断技术、癌症治疗药物等在内的肿瘤临床诊疗技术的研究进展,在世界范围内集思广益,邀请医学界精英共同探讨癌症研究的创新方法和技术,在攻克癌症这一难题上有新的突破。会议共持续3天,内容涵盖肿瘤预防、药物研发、肿瘤标志物、分子诊断、临床治疗方案、肿瘤免疫等六大主题,吸引了包括美国国立癌症研究院(NCI)、哈佛大学、约翰霍普金斯大学、MD Anderson癌症研究中心、卡罗林斯卡医学院等世界知名学术院所的数百名科研人员参加。其中,尹汉维博士关于我司研发的“新型肿瘤早期诊断技术--硫氧还蛋白还原酶(TR)活性检测”相关报告,也受邀在大会上进行主题发言。
Plasma thioredoxin reductase (TrxR)is a novel clinical biomarker of the early-stage diagnosis and treatment of cancer
Abstract:Developing a novel and efficient biomarker for detecting malignant tumors is essential for the early-stage diagnosis of cancer. Thioredoxin reductase is a critical catalytic enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of deoxyribonucleotides and regulation of cellular redox state, and found to be overexpressed in multiple types of cancer. Mechanistically, TrxR has been known to mediate multiple biological processes in cancer cells, including cell cycle progression, cell apoptosis, and ROS accumulation; while several TrxR inhibitors were also designed as anticancer drugs and are currently under clinical trials. By using our patent-protected and China FDA-approved TrxR detection assay, plasma TrxR activities of > 10,000 clinical subjects (malignant tumor patient vs. healthy subject) were measured and data were collected for statistical analyses. As a result, plasma TrxR activity level was observed to be significantly higher in malignant patients (TrxR > 12.0 U/mL) compared with normal group (TrxR < 4.0 U/mL) or non-malignant patients. Interestingly, TrxR activation in tumor samples was dramatically reduced after various anti-cancer treatment including surgery and radio-emo-therapy. All these evidences suggest that TrxR activity is an effective clinical biomarker of hyperplasia and carcinoma, and can be applied to detect tumor at early-stage and monitor the therapeutic outcome. Therefore, this study will significantly impact our current view on the clinical biomarker in hyperplasia and carcinoma.
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